Newsletter #36 - 8 October 2024 - Along for the ride
Dear all, Â We have been flat out over here with plenty of news for the last couple of months packed into this latest newsletter. We are...
Dear all, Â We have been flat out over here with plenty of news for the last couple of months packed into this latest newsletter. We are...
Dear friends, This has been another busy time for us here in SSD – and now I realise it has been two months since I last wrote! There has...
Dear Friends, Â Another busy month with some big news. As the title of this newsletter infers, there are some team members who have left...
Dear Friends, I trust that you are well. This month has gone so fast! I am sending this newsletter from Kenya while here to help with the...
Dear Friends! As I send this email it is still ANZAC day here in Juba, a day when we remember the lengths our forefathers went to – to...
Dear Friends, I trust this email finds you well! Thank you for the warm welcome back to NZ! It has been lovely catching up with many of...
Dear Friends, Happy New Year to you all! The year is underway again, and we have so much to share. I have been so busy with work and...
Dear Friends, As this year seems to be accelerating to a close, we look forward look forward to next year and our Home Assignment where...
Please find our latest newsletter attached. Warm greetings and God’s grace and peace to you, from South Sudan, Jonathan, Michele, Abby,...
This has been yet another very busy month! Please find our latest newsletter attached. May God Bless you abundantly! Jonathan, Michele,...
Dear Friends, I trust this email finds you well. We had a lovely break in Kenya before hitting the ground running back here in Juba....
Dear Friends, I trust this email finds you well! Another busy month, my busiest month of flying with MAF to date! The kids have been...
Dear Friends, We are thinking of you all as you go through this series of weather events, and earthquakes. How surreal to be in South...
Hi all, Sorry about the very late upload, it has been a very busy month! Blessings
Dear Friends, It has been a busy time for us since the last newsletter. Birthdays, people visiting, completing training, and now so much...
Dear Friends, September 2022. Where does the time go? I do hope you are doing well and that you are finding rest in our Creator. Please...
Dear Friends, I know that time seems to warp when you are having fun, getting older and when you are busy, but I can not believe it is...
Dear Friends, I trust you are doing well. This has been another busy month for us. We have moved house again, the third time in about 7...